Storyboard and narrative plan
Narrative Plan:
The music video will begin with all three characters waiting at the train station. The train station is empty as they "wait for trains that just aren't coming." All three friends look bored and tired but then climb up the stairs foreshadowing how they will embark on their journey. This progressively leads onto a change of setting. There is a transition in the narrative from walking up the staircase at the train station to walking up a staircase at a different location conveying how the friends decide to proceed with their journey and will venture to new locations and have fun. The narrative will be disrupted by the sudden change of setting for the chorus which features the main character standing alone and singing which will create the idea that she is a strong, independent and confident woman. The main character will return back to her friends during the next verse at a different location, sticking to the idea that they are still exploring different places and having fun. Their friendship will be portrayed in a positive manner as they each share a strong bond between each other. The idea will repeat in different ways throughout the video. The ending will capture the friends staying united despite having reached the end of their journey. They will stare into the distance and reminisce the moments they shared as they will eventually have to move onto different ventures in their lives.
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